On this particular morning I got to the pool in good time to discover that it was warm and relatively empty. Sliding into the water I decided to go into the fastest of the three lanes as there was only one guy in there and I knew I could keep up with him - even though for some reason he was swimming in an anti-clockwise direction around the lane. For me, one length went well until I managed to punch the guy in the face from my over-swing. It really hurt my hand so God knows how it hurt him. Naturally I burst into an immediate apology, this kind of thing always happens in pools - but that wasn't good enough. Oh the language!!!! Get the f**k away from me you f**king dumb f**king mother-f**cka!!! Sorry? F**king sorry? You think sorry is f**king good enough?
I honestly thought he was going to hit me. I was so scared I swam an extra 10 lengths because I wanted to make sure he wasn't waiting for me in the locker room. Oddly I had the lane to myself all through the session? Perhaps I now have the reputation as the mean swimmer.
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